Monday, May 23, 2011

The Summer, The Future

School is almost out for me. Im looking forward to maybe having some "me" time. Not just being alone, but some 'make myself happy, relaxed, and enjoy some summer fun!'

I've recently fallen in love with these wonderful designer site.

1. Lulu's
2. Free People
3. Anthropologie

They, along with the wonderful Victoria's Secret, are some of the most amazing fashion & beauty sites to me!

Senior Trip!!! 
Hello Chi-town! Well, sort-of. My beloved and super awesome fiance is taking me to Six-Flags and Medieval Times! I've been to Medieval Times once, it was pretty kool. I loved the vendors there, replica armor and armory, dinning ware and jewelry...etc. Very exciting.

I'm in the process of creating a Summer List. The beautiful and spirited Gala Darling introduced me to this idea (as she has many things). I've begun to start some of my list with things such as Sunglasses (I just recently bought my first pair!), Sundress, New fabulous shoes. I'll be getting a new swim-suit (the first new one I will have owned in my life!) and getting some delicious smelling body care products! This summer I want to make my best and funnest summer that' I have ever had!

I have two jobs for at least the summer and possibly for longer. One is at a tech place called RedFrog Technologies. A more local computer place. We do Computer tech fixing/installing/updates, sell internet service, and web services. Along with my awesome tech job I will be doing specialty interior painting with a great woman named Diane. (Faux-Real, LLC) I will be learning a lot of new skills and having a great time doing the things I enjoy.

Trying New Things
I am so ready to try new tasty things this summer. This image to the left is a fresh and cold fizzy drink of ginger-ale and sliced strawberries. Look at it! Fabulous!

This amazing site called Pinterest has helped me to find many taste-y food and beverage for this upcoming season.

Some times you just need to listen to a good song and smile!

Rick Astley will:
a)Never give you up,
b)Never let you down,
c)Never run around and desert you.
D)Never make you cry,
e)Never say goodbye,
f)Never tell a lie and hurt you.
g) all of the above

Answer: G) All of the Above

For the Summer I'll be making a playlist of epic proportions.

-Blessed Be