Your trademark enthusiasm returns when mental Mercury zips into Aries, but with Mercury, the sun and the moon clashing with five other planets this week, it’s not all smooth sailing ahead. Don’t let delays dampen your spirit. When you hit a roadblock, take it as a sign that you might be trying to do too much too fast. Can you push your agenda through by sheer force of will? Probably. But why wear yourself out when you just got your energy back? Don’t feel like you have to do everything the second you think of it. If you can manage to combine your fired-up mentality with stamina and persistence, you’ll be ahead of the curve.
Your trademark enthusiasm returns when mental Mercury zips into Aries, but with Mercury, the sun and the moon clashing with five other planets this week, it’s not all smooth sailing ahead. Don’t let delays dampen your spirit. When you hit a roadblock, take it as a sign that you might be trying to do too much too fast. Can you push your agenda through by sheer force of will? Probably. But why wear yourself out when you just got your energy back? Don’t feel like you have to do everything the second you think of it. If you can manage to combine your fired-up mentality with stamina and persistence, you’ll be ahead of the curve.
“What happens to a dream deferred?” –Langston Hughes
Happy birthday, Bulls! Even if yours is days or weeks away, the sun enters your sign on Thursday, followed by the new moon on Friday. Once a year, the Taurus new moon gifts you with your own personal New Year’s—the perfect time to make resolutions and a fresh start. This moon gets support from visionary Neptune, determined Mars and transformational Pluto, meaning you can manifest life-changing dreams this year if you put some muscle into it. You may want to choose one dream that’s been languishing on a shelf and focus your energy on making it a reality in the coming year. Your sign’s super determined…when you finally decide to ditch the status quo and venture into the unknown.
This week’s a mixed bag, with Mercury livening up your friend zone and the sun shining in your seclusion sector. Invites are probably pouring in, but part of you is coveting solitude. As the sign of the twin, a double life is practically mandatory if you want to remain a card-carrying Gemini! So go with the flow and snag alone time when you want it. Whether it’s a Netflix night or meditation, do something that refuels you. Then go out and see people if you find yourself craving company. The ticket to enjoying life right now (and always, right?) is to stay in the moment and relish where you are and whom you’re with, even if you’re just keeping your own company. Especially then.
The moon—repository of memories—enters your ambition angle and faces off with restrictive Saturn in your childhood zone this week. Time to weed out a long-lingering insecurity and look at how it might be keeping you from pursuing your goals. Only you know what that might be, but here’s an example to get the wheels turning: Though you’re dying to live abroad someday, you’re afraid to try it, because you got so incredibly homesick when you first went away to sleepover camp and college. But you got over it, right? Whatever your particular hang-up is, try remembering those times in your life when you let fear call the shots—and then remember those times when you didn’t.
LEO ~ July 23-August 22
With four planets visiting your higher-education house, it’s an ideal week to hit the books hard and catch up if you’ve been lagging. Not in school? Attend a lecture, book reading, origami demonstration—absolutely anything that will stimulate your brain and remind you that we never stop learning. Leos take a lot of pride in the finished product of their creativity, so it always feeds your soul when you makesomething. To give yourself an endless source of future pride, sign up for any kind of artsy class that will allow you to say, “Oh, this? Thanks, I made it!”
VIRGO ~ August 23-September 22
Love is in the air this week when Mercury skips into your intimacy sector and is joined by the moon. Not feeling the love? Stop and ask yourself if what you think you want—all that stuff that sounds good on paper—is what you really need, what feeds you emotionally. A deep convo with your significant other or a good friend can help you find some answers. Even if the talk turns up some unexpected truths, go with it. You’ll walk away feeling more hopeful. And for those of you who are already blissfully in love: Have that deep convo anyway.
LIBRA ~ September 23-October 22
Libras like to keep an even keel, as you might have guessed from the scale associated with your sign. But there’s an uneasiness swimming around inside you right now that you can’t quite shake, triggered by a few planets in your water (emotional) houses. Unpleasant feelings are getting stirred up, and you’re probably dealing with some erratic behavior. People seem to be overreacting and speaking out of turn. So basically, it’s one of those weeks where you keep thinking, “Where did that come from?” Well, that’s the perfect question to ask. If it’s coming from you, sort it out. If it’s coming from them, don’t sweat it!
SCORPIO ~ October 23-November 21
“A relationship…is like a shark, you know? It has to constantly move forward or it dies.” –Woody Allen
No, I’m not saying you’ll go through a sad breakup this week à la Annie Hall! I’m suggesting you give the shark a nudge in the right direction. A relationship—a romantic one, a friendship or possibly a creative partnership—is due for a jumpstart now, when the new moon rises in your one-on-one angle. Even if you went through a rough patch for a minute there, your heart’s in it now. Pondering the future possibilities can give both of you a needed shot of adrenaline. Timing might be an issue, so make the extra effort to get on the same page.
SAGITTARIUS ~ November 22-December 21
Your ruling planet, Jupiter, has been in your health-and-fitness zone since last summer, and when the sun and moon join it this weekend, the universe is stronglyencouraging you to take better care of yourself. Give some thought to what action steps are most needed and most doable, then put a plan in motion on Saturday. Are you overdue for a physical? Has running errands become your only form of exercise? Does your daily diet even vaguely resemble the food pyramid? Like most of us, you’re probably doing some things right but could stand to improve. Make changes now—research shows it can take as little as 18 days to form a new habit.
CAPRICORN ~ December 22-January 19
It’s a smidge late for spring break, but you hard-working Capricorns could use a breather. No matter what you’ve got going on, after the energizing sun moves into your play sector on Thursday, you should set aside time for fun. This part of your chart involves creative expression, sports, hobbies, children, romance, amusement—whatever gives you joy and brings out the kid in you. Resolve to lighten up a little for at least the next month, even if it only entails watching a romantic comedy instead of a documentary or doodling during a boring meeting. You know what they say about all work and no play!
AQUARIUS ~ January 20-February 18
“Writing is an excellent means of awakening in every man the system slumbering within him.” –Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
You may not have written anything more than a grocery list lately, but when wordsmith Mercury takes up residence in your writing house on Monday, start typing. Venus in your creativity house would suggest that you’ve got more than a list in you, so dust off that screenplay, pen a poem to your guy, come up with lyrics for a tune that’s been in your head…or you could even go old school and write an actual letter! Speaking of letters, if you need to say something to someone who’s not capable of hearing it, pouring your heart out in a letter that you never send really can be cathartic.
PISCES ~ February 19-March 20
When Mercury in your resources sector forms an uncomfortable angle with Mars in your relationships sector, you get a necessary reminder that self-esteem is your most precious asset and should never be handed over to other people. Imagine leaving your wallet on a beach towel and then going swimming in the ocean. Now picture yourself moving further and further away from the shore until you can’t see your things anymore. Are you enjoying the sensation of gliding through the water? Or are you worrying that someone’s going to steal your money? That’s what it’s like when you go through life feeling self-conscious and insecure, caring too much what people think about you. All the riches in your life are built on the foundation of self-worth, so hold onto it for safekeeping
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